PR Buzz: Zapwater Heads West

Over the past few years, we are extremely grateful for the opportunities that have allowed our team to participate in the evolution of your businesses.  As the media landscape continues to change, we strive to stay one step ahead and adapt to better serve our clients.

For this reason, we are excited and proud to announce the opening of Zapwater’s Los Angeles office.

Why Los Angeles?

After working with several clients in Southern California, we began to build our presence and have realized the benefits of having a consistent team on location. In an industry built on relationships, we firmly believe in the importance of face-to-face meetings. This is true for traditional media relations, but more so for influencer relations and celebrity seeding. As our clients and business continue to grow, a Los Angeles office will make us a stronger partner.

In addition, our experience in the market leads us to believe there is an opportunity for an agency with our values and experience.  Our individualized client approach and ability to drive results with any budget is a gap we can fill in Southern California.

 Nora Sarrawi, a Vice President in our Chicago office, has moved to Los Angeles to head and drive the expansion.

Our focus will continue to be providing the creative, award-winning work for which we are known. Our approach will forever be dictated by passion for what we do.

We’re proud of our continued growth and expansion and look forward to the next ten years.

David Zapata