Being the only married one on staff, I thought it would be best to share some of my insight (okay, so I’ve only been married since August of this year) with our beloved President of Zapwater Communications, David Zapata about his upcoming nuptials. First and foremost, your life is not over once you’re married. In fact, it has just begun in so many ways. The most important thing to take into consideration is that your better half still needs and likes to be wooed and doted on. Don’t think just because you’re hitched, that you’re done “dating” your partner. Besides trying to find free to time to spend together, my advice is jewelry (hint, hint) is always a great gift, peace offering and show of affection for a wife. The pieces from K.Amato won’t break the bank (like the engagement and wedding ring did) and as the tagline says “every girl wants one.” So be smart and listen to my words of wisdom and I promise married life will be nothing but delightful. Congrats Dave!

Kiran Advani
Group Director