I am an intern, and have been one professionally for the past three years. However, I should have known from the moment a sprightly dog named Tater greeted me on my first day at Zapwater, that this would be no normal internship.

Working my first event as a part of the Zapwater team was not without its fair share of incident. Chef’s on the Grill was the buzz of the Loop that evening; all of the best chefs in the Millennium Valley were set to have a grill - off at 6pm at the beautiful Park Grill. Coincidentally, that also happened to be the day Mother Nature decided to host the first tornado the Loop had seen in over a year.

To my surprise I learned that there was not much that could stop the Zapwater team from executing a great event. Even a minor evacuation to the Millennium Park Garages was successful as chefs carted down trays of food for sampling, showing that there really is no bad time to enjoy beef medallions.

Save for a few soggy items of clothing, the event was a fantastic time and a testament to the durability of a Zapwater event, inclement weather included.

Jackie Fernandez Intern